Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Wolf


In this recording you will hear some interesting information about lions and the process of hunting.You can also record yourselves and put the recording in the comment about lions or something else.

Should We Eat Bugs?

Should we eat bugs?Today bugs are the most hated species on the planet.Take the mosquitoes for example everyone hates them because they bite or sting us and then it leaves a mark on the infected place. But a long time ago bugs were eaten as a snack or lunch. But today when we think of that we get grossed out of just the thought of eating bugs. But today in some places like in Mexico, they eat bugs. But the real question is will we eat bugs again like we did a long time ago. Leave a comment on what you think.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


So hie ladies and gentlemen I am back again,and .I know I haven't posted a long while but now let's focus on today's subject which is Gens.You can see the info graphic that I made on a website which link you will have below the picture.On the info graphic you can learn something for the gens i our body and i will put a video with a lesson from Ted-Ed about gens.And we will talk about the summer in some other post when I we will talk about the