Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Clovis Culture

Archaeologists have found lost of places in North America that contain these tools.This tools are very sophisticated and they were made by the Clovis culture.The Clovis civilization was one of the biggest civilizations in the old world.The name of this civilization came from their place of living which was Clovis near New Mexico.The first of the tool that the Clovis culture produced was found in 1932 by e few archaeologists in New Mexico.The Clovis civilization migrated all over North America.The Clovis people moved in groups containing 40-50 people.This civilization was a fast growing civilization,it's population was very big.The Clovis tools are the most sophisticated tools found from the Old World.From what we know the Clovis civilization was one of the most big and most smart civilizations in the Old World.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The History of Stamps

Stamps were invented in England in 1837 by Sir Rowland Hill.The idea of stamps was based on the weight of the letter or package,not by the distance.Soon other countries followed the example of England.The first stamp was made with a portrait and was printed in .1840 by the name ,,penny black''.The stamp was made for light letters weeing 14 grams or less.In 1843 Brazil was the next country  to make national posts.The next country to make stamps was Switzerland.Stamps arrived in the US in 1847,the US make post for 10-5 cents.The congress of the US put the stamps in use and they spread in every city in the US.In 1860 more than ninety countries used the stamps.Soon there were thousands of different stamps.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Universe

There is much more to learn about the pulsars.The pulsars is a phenomena for tiny radio bursts caused by spinning neutron stars.This phenomenon was discovered in 1967 by Jocelyn Bell a graduate at the Cambridge University.

Quickly after he discovered this phenomena scientists started  debating about whether this signal is caused by another civilization (little green men) or a bursting star in the Crab nebula.

As more pulsars were found more and more debates were held and more theories were made. However, no one knows for sure which theory is true. Some say this pulsar was created by dwarf stars. But this theory was quickly rejected because the dwarf stars can show a pulsar that is so fast.

But one other theory is widely accepted, and that is the Lighthouse theory.The Lighthouse theory tells that the spinning neutron stars emitting beams of  radiation that sweep the sky. Some think that's why the pulsars are so quickly emitted on the special research machines.

In witch  theory do you believe in? In my opinion, the best theory is the theory with the little green men.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Post it-notes

Post-it® Notes were invented in the 1970s at the 3M Company in Minnesota quite by accident. Researchers in 3M were working on developing different types of adhesives, and one particularly weak adhesive was useful.The employees needed to find a use for this notes.One of the employees found a use when he suggested that it should be applied to a pace of paper and use it like a bookmark.

The  adhesive was very sticky and it was reusable.Then the 3M company went to other cities to introduce the new product for the people,sadly that didn't go well.Then they decided to go to another city to take another try.But this time they went only in the offices and similar places,they gave away free samples and return to see if the costumers liked it.They returned a week later,and the product got very famous and the people found a better use.

The product got really famous in the USA,it's fame grew to different parts of the world. After years of success the company realized that they can make different types of the post-it notes with a different color and shape. The 3M made over 400 types of post it notes. That is how the post-it notes were made.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Coral Colonies

Coral colonies live in water.They can't survive in water that is to dirty,the usually live in waters with 22c and more.But why are they important to us ?Because they control carbon dioxide in the water,they have evolved for millions of years to do this.Most of the people  think that they are just rocks that are in the oceans and the seas.But polyps live with in these coral reefs,for example the same thing is with the turtle and it's shell.Watch the video below and you will get more information on these creatures and in the video you will get a better answer on your questions about these creatures.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser was born on the 1871 in a large family.His family was rich before he was born,they had a successful working factory to only loos it in a fire.Theodore spent most of his childhood with his family moving from one place to another trying to reestablish themselves economically.He left home at sixteen year's old to Chicago alone, he supported himself by working odd jobs.After he made some money he attended the University of Indiana only for one year and then returning to Chicago because he felt the city like home and it was glamorous and fun.At the age of twenty-two he started working for a small newspaper Daily Globe in Chicago.Later in his life he will work for other newspapers in  in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Saint Louis, and New York city.In his work as a reporter he would witness the seamier side of life and he the lowest class of people like : Beggars,working poor, robbers and so on.  Dreiser first tried his hand at fiction by writing short stories rather than novels, and the first four short stories that he wrote were published.Based on this he was encouraged to try his hand at writing novels.His first novel was to explain the harsh real life and the people's lust for money by the a fictional female character who came to Chicago poor and becoming famous on Broadway  by manipulating every one who is in her path.Theodore found a company to publish his novel,the novel wouldn't rise to fame that quickly because the publisher wanted Dreiser to change the novel and add more interesting descriptions.But Dreiser refused and the publisher didn't advertise his novel and it sold only 500 copies.Because of this Dreiser had a nervous break down meaning he had headaches, didn't sleep for days and was stressed.Dreiser was about to committee suicide but his brother stopped him and then took him to a sanatorium in White Plains New York.After recovering he started being a editor in a newspaper Butterick's .He eventually managed to purchase one-third of the company so they could  copy his novel Sister Carrie and in it's first year it sold 4500 copies and in it's second it sold over 10.000 copies.And that is how the author Theodore Dreiser rose to fame and sparked a new page and genre in the world's and Americas literature.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


A longtime ago predators ruled our planet. But as the time went by and the farming became industrialized more land was needed. As a result, forests were cleared for farming and the animals were driven out of their homes.

After years of using these fields, they become useless, because the plants have drained all the vitamins,

There are two ways to restore nature. One possibility is with cloning the animals. The cloning can happen if we have the DNA of the animal we want to clone. For example in Great Britain they have tried to clone the the old living creatures from their frozen remains.The second way is by re-wilding, by bringing back the animals and letting the nature take it's course.

However, this isn't an excuse to drive people of their lands.This process should happen if we want our planet to be normal again.