Saturday, September 27, 2014

The secret lives of baby fish

Today, over half of the world’s reefs are threatened by human activities. How do you think the complex early life of coral reef fish might complicate reef conservation?

With oil spills, toxic waste and garbage .Those things  kill the fish  and destroy their home in the oceans, seas lakes and rivers.

Over 90% of the coral reef fish kept in saltwater aquariums and sold at pet stores in the US and Europe are collected from the wild. Why might these fish be wild-caught rather than farmed in captivity.
It may be cheaper for the saltwater aquariums owners to get them from the wild.

If you were a biologist interested in coral reefs, how might you study the large-scale geographic movements of tiny baby fish?

If I were a biologist interested in coral reefs,  I might  study the large-scale geographic movements of tiny baby fish by submarine,  suit and chip attached to some larvae and camera connected to a computer, like GPS.

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