Saturday, October 18, 2014

Christopher Columbus- What Really Happened

Children in the US learn that  Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 but since there were millions of people living on the American continents when he arrived what is Columbus's real importance in history this video will show what really happened during   his voyages between two worlds and how they helped shape the two worlds we know today 1451 Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa. there his sailing career but in 1477 he was hired as a merchant mariner or  King John second of Portugal. Portugal steam power on the seas colonizing Atlantic islands and  establishing trade with African kingdoms but the 1480s there naibors found out the Indian Ocean was on the other side in Africa. This discovery gave them a fast and cheap route to the rich goods of Asia. During Portugal's rise in power a curb of European scholars Stobbart was smaller then what previously believed this man  one could reach Asia by sale West because in the newly invented printing pres.Columbus read about these recent theories and wasn't thrilled with the idea of sail for riches. He tried to get funding for an expedition from Portugal, but king John didn't believe in theory.  He then  tried France, England and Spain. No luck until 1492, when the Spanish sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabella decided to help find three ships for a voyage. They saw Columbus as a means to compete against  Portugal susses. The NEA Peter and Santa Maria set sail on August 3rd 1492 after stopping gran canary the rest of the trip took five weeks on October twelfth land was spotted  it was an island and at dawn Columbus wanna sure because he believed in the small earth theory Columbus thought he was near Japan 's he called the natives the silent  Indians because India was what many Europeans  called Asia at the time the natives who really called but I emailed Taino . Trade began between the two parties but it was clear that the taino did not possess the fabled britches of East Asia however some of them were called this jewelry Columbus 's hungry for gold to bring back to Spain.He wandered around  searching for large amount of gold to the Santa Maria until it crashed into  a reef Hispaniola. Columbus left 39 men at the site to build a colony.
He promised that he would return for them and sailed back to Spain.
When he arrived in Europe he was famous. He had sailed into the unknown and returned to tell the tale

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