Sunday, December 7, 2014

Questions That Nobody Knows the Answers To

So today we are going to talk about questions  that  nobody knows the answers to. Some questions are very difficult and nobody on  this planet knows the answers . I got inspired from a video it is about the galaxy and there are two big questions. Do you think that multiple galaxies exist. I think yes they do oldolel  I’m not  very shure . Sientists don’t know the answers, we don’t  know the answers and how knows the answers. Maybe we will find the answers one day.
Yes every galaxy is made of atoms and if every atom containes  a galaxy of it’s  own and that proses repeats  then perhapse  there are a trillion galaxies . If so many galaxies existed  then maybe there  is a copy of you.   And that copy of you lives in some of those galaxies and it lives a difrent  live. Maybe your copy is more sucsesfulf   then you are. Maybe your copy has graguated and married the person you liked. That is a very difficult question.
The second question I am going to dicuss   is about life on the other planets. Some say that uefos and aliens land on the planet very often other people say there is no life in our galaxy. Life only exists on the planet Earth. This is a very intresting question  maybe life exists and the aliens have smarter  technology then ours. Maybe they don’t want to show it to us and they don’t  want to show them selfes.  Maybe they are flying in space with there space ships who knows?

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