Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Robbery Story

When the mall was robbed Clif was on the phone.The robbers hadno conscience no moral,they beat up and robbed old people,they kidnap and rape young women.Clif's wife was recently robed,kicked and punched.She had sore ribs,a black eye and abrasions on her left elbow.Clif's wife Jenelle had gone to the mall to buy a new pair of shoes at JC Penny because they had a sale.As usual the parking was overcrowded,Jenelle had to park her car olmost  a houndred feet from the mall's north entrence.She had walked olmost 20 feet.When she heard something behind her,a hooded figure got out of a black Mustang.She clutched her purse.He punched her and Jenelle fell to the pavement.She held then her purse tight,then he punched her in the side.She screamed in pain.She let go of her purse the robber got back in the Mustang.Jenelle heard  laughter as the Mustang drove away.A minute later a car stopped and a woman got out.She asked whats wrong,Jenelle was crying.The woman helped Jenelle up and called the police.The police arrived 10 minutes later the police called an ambulance but Jenelle didn't want help.She said that she had to wait hours in the overcrowded hospital.By that time she could go online and learn how to heal her self.

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