Sunday, April 5, 2015


Jim went to the thrift shop. He wasn't looking for anything in particular. He liked to  go there just to browse. A big sign on the door said OPEN.The thrift shop opened at 10 a.m. and closed at 2 p.m.The thrift shop didn't work only on Sundays and Mondays.

Two women worked at the thrift shop. They were volunteers, and one lady worked in a big room in the back. She put price tags on the clothes that were brought.Their only payment was that they could buy and see the clothes that were brought in before the costumers did.

Jim walked in and said hello. One of the women said hello too.She knew him  because he was a regular costumer. Jim asked what was new. The woman laughed and said that nothing was ever new in a thrift shop. Everything that was brought in was old and used.

Jim looked at a watch that was in a plastic display case and asked if he could see it.

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