Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Amazing Survival

In 2003 a man named Aron Ralston went on a rock climbing trip in a canyon in Utah. At that time Aron was 27 years old. While he was climbing he had his forearm on a rock. The rock became loose, Aron feel and the rock trapped his arm.He tried moving the rock but it was too big and heavy. In order to survive he needed to amputate his arm. It was a hard decision but he did it. After he could move, he walked  several miles and met people that helped him.I think that this  story is one of the bravest i have ever read, the man amputated his arm to save his life. This shows the wille for life that this man has. After Aron Ralston survived,  he went on to become a motivational speaker to show people that their wille is more powerful than anything. This a real life story of a brave man. Also i think that rock climbing is a very dangerous activity. Aron made a mistake because he didn't tell anyone of his family or friends that he went rock climbing. But he managed to cope with the hard situation in which he was. What do you think of this story and Aron's bravery? There is a movie made about this story and its name ,,127 Hours ''. The movie is based on the story, it got numerous awards for its real acting, screen play and etc. The movie is notable for wining several  including an Academy Award for best actor, Best Picture, Best Adapted Screen Play, Best Editing and Best Original Music.

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