Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Effect of Music while studying

Read what a student says about music. Do you feel the same?
I like most kinds of music like pop, heavy metal and rock. I even think some pieces of classical music are great. I love listening to music and I have music on in the background when I’m studying. This of course makes my parents angry as they can’t understand how I can study while listening to music. I try to explain to them that it puts me in the right mood and actually helps me a lot.
The kinds of music  i like listening to are rap, electronic and pop. I don't like listening to classical music. I often listen to music for example, when i'm playing a game on my computer, when i'm riding a bike and etc. Music makes me happy. My parents can't understand how me and my friends like electronic music, they preffer music from the 90s and 80s.
Music is a big part of our every day life. We listen to it when we are studying, working, jogging, relaxing. But what kind of effect does the music make when we listen to it while studying. I personally don't prefer to listen to music while i study. But most of the students say that they concentrate better when the music is playing in the background. Some researches found out that sometimes listening to music while studying helps to memorize the material, but only if it is music without lyrics so you don't get distracted. Most of the students even listen to music in the library. What is your opinion on the effect of music while studying? 

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