Saturday, March 1, 2014

Book Promotion as a Birthday Surprise

I am very excited. Tomorrow is my friend's birthday and her first book promotion. It should be a surprise birthday present from her mum, teacher, and us the classmates.

My school  friend,  Stefanie is a very talented writer. In the past three years she's made some great poems about us, her friends, the teacher, about animals and other things. She has many poems. The poems in her book tomorrow, are only a part of her poetry work. She has also written many folk tales to make two more books.

I  drew seven or eight illustrations for her book, like a cat, a dog, the Macedonian flag, rainbow, snow, a rabbit, a fox and so on.

The event will take place at the House of Culture. I can't wait until tomorrow.

How about you? Do you ever make surprise birthday parties for your friends.
I'll take pictures and post them  here.

More news soon!!

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