Sunday, May 31, 2015

Summer Break

God bye for the summer after the external test I go on a summer break!!See you in three months.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Greatest Treasure

Some people think money, gold and jewelry are more important then friendship.  Well, they are wrong, because money, jewelry and gold are not more important than friendship. Today you have money tomorrow you don't. Friendship is forever, like they say "Money can't buy happiness."  

I usually play games outside, watch sports and learn together with my friends.We talk about secrets.We help one another when we need help.

What is the biggest treasure for you? How important are friends to you? What do you do together with them?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Towns Hit By Snow

This a crossword about a story I did.The story is interesting and you can see the words that were used in the story.In the picture you can see the word global there are global problems with pollution,terrorists,nuclear weapons,hunger,global warming and diseases.  We people  cause these problems with our actions,we need to watch what we are doing.We have to be careful what we are doing because we are hurting the planet.We shouldn't throw trash every where we should throw them in special container for plastic,glass,paper and metal and they will be recycled.To save the electricity by turning of the lights when you don't need  them, you  will save money , electricity and the snow in Antarctica
Save water by taiking a shower instead of a bath.

My Week

My week was not so good,why?I had a lot of homework,but I did have a good time with my friends.The external test is close another 2-3 weeks.I have a lot of questions.But after the test I will go on a  summer break for three months.This whole week i went to bed like 1-2 am,i watch movies,i play video games with my friends online.Every day when I am not at training I am outside with my friends.When it's night we play hide and seek,so this was my week.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Fire Alarm

Jennifer's ears were ''talking'' to her.She heard annoying sound while she was cleaning the black board after the class.She knew what the noise was it was the fire alarm.Jennifer walked and checked the room's.In one room there was 7 students.She told them to get out immediately, the students were packing there things.The night supervisor came.They waited for the firemen but the school police came.It was a false alarm the school policeman turned it off.But it was too late for Jennifer because had listened to the alarm for too long.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

External Test This is the link for the questions for the external test.This exetrnal test is on 6th of June i think but i am not sure.Every student has to have it, every student is tested for two subjects.But no student knows what subjects he is going to be tested until 3 or 4 days before the test

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Be Careful

Simon got a monthly bill  that he didn't like.His internet provider Wink automaticly withdrew $15 from his checking account every month.This was called direct payment. this meant one less  check every month.Simon had a direct payment with his phone company,his gas company and his electric company.He had a bunch of checks.One day Wink had withdrew $75.Simon went online to check his account.Part of his Increase was because he switched from slow dial-up to a faster DSL account.Wink had charged him $15 for hid dial-up and $15 for his DSL account witch was strange because a computer only used one of those accounts not both.Simon went online to find Wink's 800 number.
We all know that the internet and life can be tricky so be careful about your actions.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Ben decided to take a shower not a bath. He got in the bathroom. Ben turned on the faucet for the hot water.The water wasn't hot enough,he turned the facet all the way to the right.The water was hot enough.Then Ben turned the leaver that was between the hot and cold water faucets, when he pulled


Pete was in the kitchen.He was about to cut three green apples, he liked to sprinkle cinnamon on them.Then he grabbed a big, light knife from the drawer.The knife's handle was brown and hallow. Pete opened the blinds so that more light could come in the kitchen. On the side of the knife there was written: "Surgical stainless knife".Pete bought the knife 20 years ago at a county fair.It was one of those knife's that was advertised on the TV.The sails man guaranteed that the knife's edge is stainless and that the knife could easily cut throw a tomato can.The knife was great but also dangerous.A while a go Pete was carelessly cutting a potato when the knife got his finger.The doctor put three stitches in his finger,the doctor told to be more careful next time. Pete was very careful and he didn't use the knife almost a year.