Saturday, May 2, 2015


Pete was in the kitchen.He was about to cut three green apples, he liked to sprinkle cinnamon on them.Then he grabbed a big, light knife from the drawer.The knife's handle was brown and hallow. Pete opened the blinds so that more light could come in the kitchen. On the side of the knife there was written: "Surgical stainless knife".Pete bought the knife 20 years ago at a county fair.It was one of those knife's that was advertised on the TV.The sails man guaranteed that the knife's edge is stainless and that the knife could easily cut throw a tomato can.The knife was great but also dangerous.A while a go Pete was carelessly cutting a potato when the knife got his finger.The doctor put three stitches in his finger,the doctor told to be more careful next time. Pete was very careful and he didn't use the knife almost a year.

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