Saturday, May 9, 2015

Be Careful

Simon got a monthly bill  that he didn't like.His internet provider Wink automaticly withdrew $15 from his checking account every month.This was called direct payment. this meant one less  check every month.Simon had a direct payment with his phone company,his gas company and his electric company.He had a bunch of checks.One day Wink had withdrew $75.Simon went online to check his account.Part of his Increase was because he switched from slow dial-up to a faster DSL account.Wink had charged him $15 for hid dial-up and $15 for his DSL account witch was strange because a computer only used one of those accounts not both.Simon went online to find Wink's 800 number.
We all know that the internet and life can be tricky so be careful about your actions.

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