Saturday, December 5, 2015

Brown Dwarfs

Brown Dwarfs are celestial bodies formed in a similar way as the planets.But some scientists say that brown dwarfs are similar to stars but this isn't true because dwarfs can't generate the same amount of energy as the stars.Because of this brown dwarfs are hard to spot from our planet and because of this they are hard to study for scientists.It takes 1 million years for a brown dwarf to form,then it takes 2-3 million years for it to cool off.The surface of the brown dwarfs is 75% hydrogen.The mass of a brown dwarf is 8 times less than the mass of the sun.It is presumed that the planet Jupiter is a brown dwarf,but some scientists say that theory is wrong.This theory may be right because of some similarites.But this isn't all of the information for the brown dwarfs,if you find more information plea
se write it in the comments.

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