In this video you can see one of the most popular inventions.This smart board is mostly used in clasrooms and in companies.Through this board we can communicate with other students or co workers around the world.We all know about the fascinating inventions in 21st century. Let's leave aside the board and our technology, have you ever thought about how did the language and letters came to be because with out them we can't communicate. Well in the following text you can learn something about the language and letters.
The emergence and development of the letters.
Speech and writing are essential for mutual understanding among people. They are
basic characteristics which distinguishes man from other living beings.
The letter appeared around 3200 years BC in the states of the Ancient East.
First appeared pictorial writing in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The Chinese
letter appeared around 2000 years BC.
Pictorial alphabet consisted of small drawings that are connected to logic
whole to express a thought. Gradually, some drawings are replacing only
a sign or used mixed drawings and signs. Such was Egyptian
hieroglyphic script, as painted stone or written on papyrus.
In Mesopotamia, cuneiform developed. There are written with a sharp
subject to clay tiles. Graphical signs gradually acquired the form of wedges,
in which letter it received its name.
The latest appeared voice letter, which invented Fojnikijcite.
That letter was the simplest, and served as the basis for creating other letters
(Greek, Latin and Cyrillic). It reads mostly on clay tablets, and
later on papyrus and parchment.
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